5 Most Common Pests in Las Vegas

Nov 6, 2021 | Home Pest Tips

Pest control experts can help eliminate current infestations as well as prevent future ones. Employing a professional pest control service has many benefits, including saving money, time, preserving the structure and integrity of your home or building, and combatting the spread of sickness and disease.

Identifying Common Pests in Las Vegas, Nevada

While there are many pests in Las Vegas, Nevada, five of them are incredibly common. For example, many pest control websites, including Anver Pest Control, rank bees, spiders, ants, cockroaches, and scorpions as some of the most sighted pests in the city of Las Vegas. Importantly, these top five pests carry with them a potential for destruction and the spread of disease, underscoring the need for a pest control expert you can trust:


There are several kinds of bees that permeate the Las Vegas area, including yellowjackets, hornets, and Africanized killer bees:

Unfortunately, yellowjackets possess the capacity to sting multiple times, and individuals may have severe allergic reactions.

Bald-faced hornets can cause immense pain, discomfort, or swelling that lasts approximately 24 hours after being stung.

Africanized honeybees, also referred to as Africanized killer bees, can be incredibly aggressive and sting more frequently than the average honeybee. For example, when feeling threatened, they have sometimes followed individuals for more than 500 feet.


Three types of spiders are of particular concern to Las Vegas residents:

While black widow spiders typically bite out of defense, medical attention should be sought right away. Symptoms of being bitten by a black widow spider include pain, fever, nausea, chills, and stiffness.

Though bites by desert brown recluse spiders do not happen often, they can cause necrotic skin damage and should be taken seriously by promptly receiving medical attention.

Wolf spiders do not bite often, but when they do, it can be quite painful and serious in children, the elderly, or individuals who have a compromised immune system.


Two kinds of ants have especially attracted attention in Las Vegas, Nevada:

Argentine ants can quickly multiply, causing serious infestation problems for those who have them.

Harvester ants are known for their aggressiveness and painful stings, which may cause an anaphylactic reaction in some individuals.


Several common cockroaches in Las Vegas remain a nuisance, including the German cockroach, American cockroach, and Oriental cockroach:

German cockroaches are known for spreading disease, bacteria, and germs. In addition, they may contribute to serious allergic reactions.

American cockroaches can also spread disease, bacteria, and germs. They may also cause contamination and leave odors behind. In some cases, they may contribute to asthma attacks.

Cockroaches can carry 33 types of bacteria, such as E. Coli and Salmonella. In addition to spreading germs and diseases, they can contaminate common household items and contribute to asthma attacks.


There are several kinds of scorpions to remain on the lookout for, including the bark scorpion and the desert hairy scorpion:

Bark scorpions may invade dark and quiet places in the home. In addition to stinging, they can birth up to 30 scorpions at a time.

Stings by desert hairy scorpions are quite painful, and a female desert hairy scorpion can birth between 25-35 scorpions at once.

Las Vegas Pests and Tri-X Pest Management

Five common pests that plague the Las Vegas area are bees, spiders, ants, cockroaches, and scorpions. However, pest control experts can save individuals time and money by eliminating and preventing infestations. Get in touch with Tri-X Pest Management today! 

Who We Are

We are your friendly neighborhood pest control experts in Las Vegas. For over 20 years we’ve been providing reliable pest control services at homes and businesses. We’re fully licensed and insured, use eco-friendly materials safe for kids and pets, and offer competitive pricing. Don’t DIY or settle for less, call Tri-X!